Capture the Gem Update

Capture the Gem Update

New year, new CtG update. Dread from it, run from it, it will always arrive. Maybe it is madness, or maybe it is a cruel joke played by us. Regardless of what it is, change has arrived, so please, check out what is new!

Class Reworks!

This CtG update has brought reworks for the Gladiator, Jungle Man, and Fish class. We hope you enjoy these changes!


The Gladiator’s main weapon is now a trident! While this means the class has a 5 block radius opposed to a previous 10, to compensate, the class now has 19 defense instead of 15, and their weapon now deals 37 damage instead of 34.

The Gladiator’s health has also decreased from 160 to 150, though do not think that Gladiators are easy to kill now…

Jungle Man

Already once-removed, the Jungle Man keeps on coming back. When will he get the memo to leave?

Regardless, he is here to stay! The class now wields the poisonous Poison Staff, moving forward with their goal to try new things in 2023 (goodbye yo-yo!). Do not worry about being poisoned however, as debuffs from the staff are nullified.

For their ability, the class wields a Venom Staff for 5 seconds, giving more than enough time to wipe the arena (classic Jungle Man…).

Merma- I mean, Fish

A fish swimming in lava, seems normal right? There is nothing fishy going on here!

The Fish class is now back to its iconic look. Flipper buff from ability? Who needs that, it holds the flipper accessory, which allows it to swim in lava like a champ, before burning alive. 

P.S: Prepare to be spleefed into lava a lot…

A New Map has Arrived! Introducing "Triangles"!

Trigonometry is cool now. It is unfortunate that I sucked at it though.

This map’s gimmick is the abundance of triangles. Fight in a 90 degree environment and experience various styles for attackers, defenders, and all 45 degree-ers.

Thank you Diplex and Blubber for this wonderful map submission! A gentle reminder that if you have a cool map concept and want to fully envision, you can join the Discord server to apply for Mapedit access.


A New Class Explanations Area!

Newbies! Have you ever felt confused about a class in Capture the Gem? Ever wanted to know what they are like before trying them out on the battlefield?

Well, be confused no more, as we have added a helpful area to learn more about every class in the game.

This new area can easily be accessed from the both sides of class selection. In it, you will find:

  • Class statistics, such as HP, defense, damage, max speed, ability cool-downs, and ability durations.
  • Class behavior, such as how weapons work, how abilities behave, and movement options.

We hope this helps both new players with figuring our their favorites and regulars itching to try a different playstyle!

Balance Changes