Weekly Challenges Update – First Two Months of Fun

Weekly Challenges Update – First Two Months of Fun

Hello everyone! As a lot of you may (or may not be) aware, weekly challenges have been added to the server! These have been ongoing for a full two months now, wow time flies huh.

With the addition of these challenges, there’s been a handful of different objectives everyone has been tasked with every week. There’s always something new for everyone’s favourite games, at least for the most part.. 

This post is going to cover some of the examples of weekly challenges we’ve had so far, what you can maybe look forward to & all the important details of the system for those who don’t know what it’s all about!

Limited Time Areas

That’s right! With weekly challenges we’ll occasionally add a new addition to the lobbies across the server. 

The picture above depicts an island added to pause and resume tracking kill to death ratio stats while on the server. Wouldn’t want to inflate your death ratio in parkour now, would you?

The Ins and Outs of Weeklies

In this portion of the post, we’ll be covering all the important to know fundamentals of weekly challenges ranging from notifications to keeping streaks!

Weekly Challenges, Weekly Pings!

For everyone who is on our Discord server and wants to keep up to date with every new weekly challenge released, look no further!

On the Discord server you can follow the instructions seen in the image to the right:

1. Channels & Roles
2. Scroll down to notification ping roles and click on “Weekly Challenges”
3. You will be pinged for all Weekly Challenges going forward in #weekly-challenges.

If you want to remove the role at any point, just click on “Weekly Challenges” yet again in Channels & Roles. Mobile users have a similar process and layout for assigning the role but with a lot more tapping rather than clicking.

New Sidebar, Who This?

For PC players, this new addition to the sidebar will be available whilst a Weekly Challenge is active in the game you are playing on the server! This will vary depending on the current weekly challenge but it will update in real time as you complete more of the challenge.

For this example challenge, players had to win first place in Spleef three times for the main challenge and SIX times for the bonus challenge, talk about a lot of winning huh?

Without any parts of the challenge complete, all the text will be white. However, if you complete the main or bonus challenge, the respective text will turn green to emphasise completion.

Track your Progress in Chat!

The sidebar may be exclusive to PC players, however for all of our players we’ll have commands and popups in chat for everything related to Weekly Challenges!

Similarly to the sidebar tracking, your progress will update in real time when using commands. It will also emphasise completion using both different colours and new text displayed alongside it.

Keep your Streaks!

Upon completing either the main or bonus challenge your streak will go up by 1. You do not need to complete both if you struggle with one part of the challenge too much. This will allow for some leniency with streaks.

When logging onto the server after a new weekly challenge has begun, a popup will show in chat notifying and encouraging you to complete it to maintain your current streak.

Maintaining a streak will slowly increase the point multiplier for weekly challenge completions to award our challenge completionists!

General Info, Commands and Everything Else!

And that’s basically all for the details about Weekly Challenges on our server! We hope you have a fun time completing these challenges every week. Be sure to stay tuned for new challenges, updates and other changes to our server in the future!