CTG: The Post-League Revamp

CTG: The Post-League Revamp

As Capture the Gem League 2 comes to a close, so does the game's meta from the past year! This update brings some exciting new changes to CtG, such as the fabled introduction of SItems! Got your attention yet? Good, because that only scratches the surface on what this update has to offer. What other changes are there? Well, keep reading to find out!

Special Items and Class Changes!

Special Items (or SItems for short) allow weapons to shoot ANY projectile, alongside having modified attack speeds, damage, knockback, colors, and more! In this update, six of the classes have received their own, so make sure to check them out.

Introducing... a bell?

Uh oh! You’ve thrown away your SItem in the middle of a match, or never received one, perhaps due to high ping or a high concentration of players? Well do not worry my friend!

Just below the weapon slot in your inventory, there is a bell that gives you back your weapons after ringing it!

CTG Class Adjustment Highlights

Tiki Priest

This bulky healer has received a significant upgrade in its offensive potential! It is time to take it seriously…

Now wielding Poison Darts, it is able to quickly take out those nimble but fragile rushers. That’s not all! Its shrines have also been empowered, being able to shoot quicker and hurt more.

Don’t place them together however, it might weaken them.


You read that right! Tree makes its triumphant return to Capture the Gem, with plenty of new tricks up its sleeve.

Featuring its classic Web Slinger and a new Ornament SItem, it is now able to fight back against those pesky defenders. The old squirrel pet also returns to accompany it!

Just don’t get hit while grappling…

Flame Bunny

A bunny wielding the element of fire. Now how did that happen? A good question… for another time.

This class has received quite an explosive rebalance! Now possessing both an Inferno Fork and a Fire Flower, it is able to maintain control over large areas, dealing great chip damage.

Remember to focus and take your time to aim!


Not everything is as it seems, especially not for this class. Keep an eye out, as it is now more unpredictable than ever!

Although a drastic mobility and endurance reduction might seem extreme, it is now able to transform much faster and properly take advantage of its (now fragile) Regen Form.

P.S: Prepare to die a lot.

There’s plenty more changes as well! You can either read the patchnotes or experience the game for yourself to find out.

Map Reworks!

From Classic to Cranes, all the way down to Triangles, every single CTG map has received gameplay and visual overhauls! With changed classes and new strategies to learn, these will for sure spice up the game to a whole other level!

New maps are certain to be introduced in the near future, so make sure to keep your gaming skills high to not fall behind.


Want to make maps for Capture the Gem? Then join the Discord Server and apply for Mapedit access!

CTG Update Patchnotes

And that’s all we have this time in the latest CTG update! We hope you enjoy this new set of changes and get a chance to experience them live on the server now!