Big Changes to the P Discord Server

Big Changes to the P Discord Server

For innovation to happen, change must happen. And change must be courageous. That is why today, the P (formerly known as Penguin Games) Discord server will be getting some necessary updates to incentivise innovation.

Introducing: The Comment, Quote, Like, Bookmark (CQLB) System

The Comment, Quote, Like, Bookmark (CQLB) system is one of our greatest inventions across all of P. It’s better than Mapedit, it’s better than Capture the Gem, and it’s definitely better than Spleef. It is a revolution on community engagement.

Simply put, each reaction signifies a meaning:

  • Comments incentivize a reply.
  • Quotes incentivize interest.
  • Likes incentivize popularity. Who knows, if you get enough likes you might be on trending!

Now, you may notice that the final part – bookmark – is missing. That is because it is a feature for your eyes only!

The bookmark feature lets you save your favorite messages in your own feed! Simply select a message, go through apps, and bookmark! It’s that simple. The future is here…

A Real Channel List Overhaul

You may have noticed the channels have once again changed, this time for the last! We understand change is difficult, but remember, with change brings innovation.

Discord server channels are the lifeblood of a digital community. Their names set the tone, spark discussion, and shape the culture of the space. Changing those monikers can seem trivial to some but requires courage, conviction and vision. Updating stale, outdated channel names takes bravery – disturbing the status quo risks backlash. But forward-thinking admins know refreshing channel titles with more inclusive, representative names inspires members and makes the server more welcoming.

Altering channel names also demonstrates innovation. Default channel names like #general stifle creativity. Custom names tailored to the community’s interests foster richer conversation in contrast. The innovation comes from channel names that evolve as the community grows. Channels added to spotlight new topics or retire obsolete themes show adaptability.

In short, changing Discord channel names, though seemingly minor, has an outsized impact. It signals that a server’s culture is alive, responsive and always improving – an intangible but invaluable spirit. The courage to implement changes, inspiration to improve and innovation to progress are why the simple act of editing channel names creates a profoundly better Discord community.