Going Full eSports: Announcing P Tournaments

Going Full eSports: Announcing P Tournaments

Innovation at P does not just stop at server changes – the community events are ready to receive an upgrade too! With this innovation, expect a new era of engaging, exciting, and epic tournaments

The Tournament Everyone Was Waiting For: Build My Thing League!

You thought we could not do it, but we did! Introducing BMTL, or Build My Thing League. In this thrilling event, players will compete one-to-one to be the best builder and guesser. Expect the stakes to be the highest ever, as those who lose will be banned immediately. This truly is the event of all time. The last person to not build the word directly wins!

Apparently People Want It: Classic Capture the Gem League

Get ready for the first ever Classic Capture the Gem League. Duke out on a random world (not random, it will always be a Zenith seed) and prepare to best the other team with only your wits! The winning team gets to touch grass for the first time in their life.

Things Just Got le random: Class Wars Championship

tbh i don’t really think this would be that great of an idea… might pitch for a pve league instead.

Get Ready for Pure Tactics: Tank Wars Tournament II

Tank Wars Tournament is back! After 6 years, the engaging and exciting tournament of strategy has returned. Get ready to duke it out at the warzone, as you fight to be the top team in war crimes, round-by-round. Truly, gaming has peaked.

Yeah We Are Doing Another One: Capture the Gem League 3

In this iteration of Capture the Gem League, the theme is triple. We will be tripling the amount of teams, tripling the amount of matches, tripling the rewards, and tripling the length of the event. See you in three years when it’s over!

What About Spleef League???

Establishing a "Spleef League" would be a fundamentally flawed and detrimental concept for several reasons. Firstly, Spleef, a game where players aim to destroy blocks beneath their opponents' feet, may seem harmless, but organized leagues could foster intense competition leading to heightened aggression and even injuries among participants. Moreover, promoting such a league could encourage excessive screen time and sedentary behavior, exacerbating existing societal issues related to physical inactivity and the negative effects of prolonged gaming. Additionally, the competitive nature of a Spleef League could overshadow the importance of education and other productive activities for young participants, potentially leading to academic neglect and developmental setbacks. Overall, a Spleef League would prioritize fleeting entertainment over long-term well-being and could contribute to a host of societal problems.
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