G speaks on P; What’s Next?!

G speaks on P; What’s Next?!

Earlier today, we decided to take the brave leap towards rebranding our identity as P. With this, we have an interview with our owner, G, as to his perspective on our decision & what’s to come in the future. 

Q & A with G.

Q: Why rebrand after building a name under “Penguin Games” for 3 years now?

Myself & the team agreed that our branding wasn't sleek or innovative enough. When we saw another company's recent rebranding, we decided the time was right for us to do so as well. This will keep us ontop of the T Server scene as it further develops.

Q: This rebranding has been both on the In-Game server & on the Discord. Do you have any future plans for other platforms?

Currently we will be focusing on our main two platforms, but in the future we will be looking into more outreach beyond. Recently we've improved our Discord server to support popular features such as "Comments", "Quotes", "Likes" & "Bookmarks". These are to help chatters get maximum outreach amongst each other for everything P.

Q: Regarding verification; who processes these members?

At the moment, the Administration team at P does. However, we are developing B V, the most powerful tool coming to the server. This bot will automatically process verification subscriptions for us & even further beyond! We are looking into allowing for B V to begin interacting with our community, picking up on all the latest trends & metas across the server.

Q: What are your thoughts on further automating parts of the server? Hosts, player interaction, support tickets, etc.

Automation through B V is something we are greatly looking into for the future. Interaction with the community through B V will allow the Administration & Staff team to learn more about the players on P. It will be a time for us all to get to know each other, including getting to know B V.
John Doe

Q: Beyond this rebranding, what’s next?

We have a lot in store for all P-ers going forward. There are going to be a lot more announcements on the way today regarding the state of the server & our future goals. Some have already been posted a few including an update to P & announcing even more gamemode leagues.

Q: Where can we hear more from the rest of the team?

On your timeline you'll be able to see messages from our Administration & Staff. From there you can comment on or quote their messages to interact with them. Driving this community interaction will bring us all closer together. You can also reach out to our team at P by contacting M IV. In the future, B IV will be your newest friend & companion on the server, so stay tuned for our next conference.

Q: Thank you for your time, do you have any closing advice or inspiration for everyone in the P community?

Over at P we will continue to strive for innovation, & with that innovation we hope you will join us along the journey. That way we will both better our community & ourselves.